Community Acupuncture
Individualized & Affordable Acupuncture Care
Community Acupuncture is part of a new movement to bring acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to people that is both affordable and effective. Community acupuncture allows for individualized treatments in a tranquil common treatment space.
At the Balance Healing Centre, Community or Group Acupuncture treatments are provided on a sliding scale. This makes acupuncture affordable which enables you to receive the frequency of treatments your body needs. Although the treatment takes place in a community setting, personal questions about your health are asked in a private room before the treatment takes place.
Community acupuncture, like any acupuncture treatment performed by a practitioner trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is personalized and unique for every individual. Time is spent with each individual to create a customized diagnosis and treatment plan. This individualized approach allows the practitioner and the patient to treat the root of the disorder rather than the symptoms allowing the healing process to reach all parts of the body, mind and spirit.
Community Acupuncture treats all the same conditions as private acupuncture.
These include, but are not limited to:
- acute & chronic pain
- stress, anxiety & depression
- sleep disorders
- digestive disorders
- neurological disorders
- skin conditions
-mental health concerns
- menstrual & menopausal symptoms
- male & female fertility
- pregnancy support
- immune system imbalances
- cancer support
In addition to Traditional Chinese Medicine style acupuncture, Emily and Laura incorporate Dr Tan's Balance Method and Master Tong points in her treatments.